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“if we don’t act now, it’ll be too late”.

In the effort to protect our planet, scientists and activists have made it clear that we are at a critical crossroads. If we don't act now, it will be too late, said Sir David Attenborough.“if we don’t act now, it’ll be too late”.

Due to the climate crisis, we have already experienced extreme floods and heat waves in the UK. Wildfires in California and Australia were also caused by the same warming events that caused heat waves in Europe. In this way, the climate crisis reminds us all that we need to act together to overcome it.the challenge of the climate crisis connects us all, and will require collective action to overcome.

While we have seen some Governments, corporations and billionaires deny and delay - In response to governments, corporations, and billionaires who have denied and delayed the climate catastrophe, you have spoken out against it.

The climate crisis must be addressed on a global level. We all need to raise awareness of problems and highlight solutions in our daily lives. Every action counts! The more we do, the more we accomplish!

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